Career Pathways Institute

Career Pathways Institute

Who has not looked at an existing underutilized or empty warehouse building constructed of precast “twin T” style concrete walls. This construction style was both strong in design and quick to erect but when no longer needed for the intended purpose, it was hard to work with the exterior wall style for most adaptive reuses.

But this project has succeeded quite well in both appearance and function. It was done with both creativity and simplicity in the process and has won admiration from many sources.

The bulk of the building wall structure remains in place. What makes the dramatic difference is the introduction of a dramatic entrance structure and the use of canopies and sunshades on both the new and existing elevations. Mapes provided the entrance canopies and the longer color accented walkway canopy running along the face of the Twin T wall projections. The sunshades were supplied by the window manufacturer as integral to the window systems, which Mapes does not offer.

Mapes supplied the dramatic triangular entrance canopies that look like “Stealth” aircraft. We also provided the long, hanger rod supported walkway canopy running along the face of the “Twin T” precast wall projections. Each canopy style uses the smooth flat soffit style decking supported by overhead hanger rods. The triangular shaped “Stealth” profile entrance canopies are attached to the new clear story entrances and provide a very attractive contrast to the existing building structure. The finish on the entrance canopies is a clear anodized to match the store front finish and to enhance the image of the futuristic looking canopies installed over each of the school’s main entrance doors.

The walkway canopy is also very unique in that it is attached to a galvanized steel back tube, supplied by others, attached to the face of the Twin T’s. The Mapes canopy is bolted to the back tube and also supported by overhead hanger rod supports anchored between every other valley between the Twin T’s. To contrast the natural color of the concrete and create a color interest element on the wall, the walkway canopy was painted a kynar “Military Blue” for the full length of the canopy with matching color hanger rods.

The combination of blended geometric shapes and profile provides for a very contemporary look to an older style building nicely creating a very attractive and useful adaptive reuse of an existing dated style building.

Project: Career Pathways Institute
Location: Grand Island, NE
Mapes Job Number: M-6448
Architect:  Cannon Moss Brygger Architects, Grand Island, NE
Mapes Canopy Style: Super Lumideck Flat Soffit Hanger Rod Style
Finish: Clear anodized, 2 Coat Kynar, Military Blue

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